Start of the programme “HOPE (HOmEless, not HelPless) – Building bridges for social inclusion”.
From March 2024, we are pleased to announce the launch of the “HOPE (HOmEless not HelPless) – Building bridges for social inclusion”. The “HOPE” Programme is implemented through the Ithaca & Emfasis synergy, under the funding of the Bodossaki Foundation.
The Program has the direct objective of protecting and promoting rights, values, through the relief, empowerment, comprehensive support, training and empowerment of our vulnerable fellow human beings in precarious conditions. Moreover, the Programme aims to their integration, in 5 regions of Greece, namely Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Salamis and Ioannina, as well as individualized information and training sessions for institutions involved with vulnerable groups.
More specifically, the two main pillars of the “Hope for Homelessness” Programme are:
1)Empowerment seminars for homelessness/vulnerable groups: the aim is to provide training on labour reintegration, legal/accounting counselling, digital skills, access to health care, interface with Organizations for issuing documents and benefits. In order to claim employment and independence. At the same time, free information leaflets will be distributed, specific to each region, with important information on service providers and procedures in case of emergencies, e.g. loss of identity.
2)Personalized Information and Training Meetings with representatives of State, Public and Private Bodies: Information on rights and access to goods, medical services, platforms, exchange of good practices, relief from bureaucracy, linking beneficiaries, etc.
Additional objectives of the Programme:
● Protection, awareness and advocacy of rights and values for homeless and vulnerable populations living in precarious conditions both in the capital and in more remote areas in Greece with reduced services and/or understaffed structures.
● Education of homeless and vulnerable people for their reintegration into employment, the recognition of their dignity and identity and their free and open access to medical care and liaison/service services.
● Promote partnerships/exchange of practices between local institutions/agencies to better manage cases in asterix & street situation.
● Informing/empowering relevant government, private and Non-profit agencies to more effectively contribute to their intended employment and social integration.
● Strengthening the advocacy and supervisory role of Civil Society Organisations: Creation of a Handbook of Good Practices & Findings to be posted free of charge for all stakeholders, as well as a letter requesting improvement/change of an existing policy, will succeed in raising general awareness among the general public about the phenomenon of visible and invisible homelessness and the challenges faced by homeless and vulnerable people.
● Increase the participation of the Civil Society organisations in policy-making and decision-making processes at local, regional and national level, through the open call that will be made to Non-Profit Organisations dealing with the phenomenon.
The first workshop has already taken place in Athens, at the day care centre of “On The Way A.M.K.E.” where beneficiaries were informed about useful procedures such as the issuance of unemployment cards, applications and supporting documents for basic benefits and much more!
“The project “HOPE (HOmEless not HelPless) – Building bridges for social inclusion” is implemented within the framework of the “BUILD” programme, with the implementing agency Ithaca and partner Emfasis. The ‘Building a robust and democratic civic space’ (BUILD) programme aims to protect, promote and widely recognise the fundamental rights and values of the EU through the support of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Greece and Cyprus and strengthening their capacities and sustainability. BUILD is co-funded by the European Union, through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme, the Bodossaki Foundation and the Cyprus NGO Support Centre with a total grant amount of €2.9 million.
BUILD is coordinated by the Bodossaki Foundation (Greece) in partnership with the NGO Support Centre (Cyprus)”.