Integration Services

Social service

In March 2021, the Ithaca Street Social Service was launched, which operates in parallel with the Mobile Unit and resolves requests from beneficiaries either directly or by referral to other agencies. To date, Ithaca Social Services has resolved over 1,700 requests for psychosocial support including medical appointments, issuing necessary documents and opening bank accounts.

Work Employment

Ithaca’s work employment and reintegration program started in 2017. Through their employment in Ithaca, the beneficiaries of the programme have the opportunity to work in a safe and secure working environment, to experience a sense of contribution, to be trained and to fill their quiver with all the necessary knowledge and skills that will allow them to enter the labour market. To date, 17 of our employees have managed to find full-time employment after their experience with us.

Job Counseling

As a continuation of the job training programme and with the aim to support as many people as possible, in 2021, Ithaca started accepting job support requests and providing job counselling sessions aimed at finding jobs for beneficiaries from vulnerable groups in partner companies and institutions. At the same time, the participation of beneficiaries in the above actions offers them the necessary empowerment both on an emotional level and on a skills level, in order to ensure their immediate and smooth absorption into the labour market. In 2022 alone, 35 people were able to find a job through meetings with our job counsellor.